Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Education Teach Procedures

Question: Give a short conversation on educating systems? Answer: Instruction is the essential phase of all learnings where the base forever starts at a more noteworthy high. There are different homeroom strategies which are adjusted and actualized so as to show the understudies. The instructing subjects may be the equivalent anyway the techniques which are adjusted and executed so as to bestow the subjects may be diverse relying upon the appropriateness of the crowd like their age gatherings. In this article I have picked the primary school training strategy where the instructing techniques would be somewhat unique in relation to the others. In this mode the understudies have just dropped from their preschool age gatherings. At this point they would have figured out how to perceive things, recognize hues, take a gander at pictures and identify with various things. So as to run the meetings in a smooth manner I have executed the positive methodology where the understudies would begin with a positive note, would interface with one another, would get signals, would converse with accomplices, would be in gatherings and would take an interest in all the homeroom exercises in a major way. The basic angles which I have secured are the intuitive model meetings where the understudies were assembled into gatherings, would be given points like a school, family, outing, companion where I have begun by demonstrating photos of these viewpoints and the understudies would get the opportunity to remember them, take a gander at various parts of those photos, comprehend the hues, relate and look at the photos of others. They had the option to comprehend that an individual accompanies a family and each individual is extraordinary. This kind of learning advances thinking capacity and examining capacity to comprehend things in a superior manner. The second angle which was executed was by including in bunches be it play and be it conversation all the understudies were engaged with utilizing some kind of art work utilizing instruments like paper, scissors, pen, pencils, create materials and different things. This additionally improves the capacity of the understudies to play and to associate with various things, in actuality, so a ton of angles get more clear in their brains and they can develop into being better people when they grow up. This was the principle focal point of my instructing where I have concentrated on conveyance and building up their aptitudes than everything else. Aside from this overseeing changes was another angle and this point is very delicate with regards to training such little children where they would not comprehend the term progress anyway would travel starting with one stage then onto the next. These advances could be beginning with coming to class from home at such a youthful age, including in the study hall, partaking in the classes, becoming accustomed to new arrangement of understudies around and getting taught in bunches where they would have an individual consideration when they are at home. Every one of these perspectives are delicate for a littler kid to adapt to anyway they ought to be prepared and their psyches ought to be sustained so that they become accustomed to the school condition.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Stock trak free essay sample

Thinking back the venture situation, I notice my customer who is a 35-year-old, unmarried childless male with $150,000 pay and $50000 reserve funds every year. Since his hazard avoidance is described as moderate, the portfolio should be â€Å"moderate† correspondingly. The principal central venture choice is Assets Allocation. Since that the benefits designation is the most significant determinant of portfolio returns, before speculation, I made an essential assignment: 35%-40% value (counting ETF), 30%-35% common assets and bunds, 10%-15% alternatives and fates, 15%-20% money. At the point when it comes into the real world, I discovered it is difficult to precisely follow the advantages portion planed toward the start, since the market patterns is difficult to foresee with high vulnerability, the budgetary market may has a major contrast with we expected at the arranging time frame. All things considered, as per the market patterns I expected, I changed a little in my portfolio assignment inside a little range. The second venture choice is Securities Selection. Toward the start, with little information about the securities exchange, I made some nonsensically contributes, in light of the fact that I didn’t follow near the money related updates on the organizations and market, along these lines, I frequently missed the best an ideal opportunity to purchase and sell and the portfolio esteem consistently declined at the initial half a month. From this experience, I understood that the noteworthy jobs of contributing judiciously. Settling on each levelheaded choice is incredibly hard, in light of the fact that it is hard to foresee the future execution of the stocks, on the grounds that the securities exchange follows the irregular walk and there is a high vulnerability of things to come returns. The stock cost isn't just influenced by interior reasons, for example, the presentation and income of the organization, it likewise can be influenced by a wide range of outside elements, for example, the financial patterns, request or new arrangement, which can in a split second control the here and there of stock costs paying little heed to the inside causes. Henceforth, to perform well in the portfolio, it isn't just basic to apply fitting speculation techniques, however dissecting current market patterns is likewise critical. Late money related reports and current news, they are the significant indicator of the stock cost. From that point on, by following near the recent development and breaking down the money related report, I’m increasingly acquainted with the securities exchange and less nonsensically than previously. Besides, since Stock Trak Simulation was a transient contributing task with moderate-hazard financial specialists. I chose to pick a few stocks which give better than expected return and whose costs can possibly increment from various enterprises. By means of examining P/E Ratio, I picked some worth stocks which are values with for the most part lower P/E proportion than normal (the normal P/E proportion of the SP 500 per year back is 17. 21) I. e. esteem stocks. Furthermore, the Betas of the stocks ought to be generally moderate. Taking into account that my portfolio showcase esteem positions in runner up (2/27) with the 9. 25% return and all out value was $547,597. 39. At the principal look, I would accept that I were entirely fruitful and utilized the cash well. In any case, there were numerous dunks and downturns in my portfolio. For instance, the market esteem was as low as $466,516. 75 on March 7 and as high as $562,585. 34 on March 14. Additionally, since the unreasonable ventures I made toward the start had a gigantic negative effect on my portfolio and lost a lot of portfolio because of absence of enhancement. As the portfolio esteem chart appears, it dropped steeply from March 5 until March 7, I accomplished more research and thought plainly before purchase or sell any stocks, from that point on, with the sprout of the securities exchange, the portfolio esteem expanded pointedly to top worth $562,585. 34 on March 14 at last moderating vacillated until the venture shut. Coming up next are some particular models in this reproduction: Ford Motor Co. (F), Modine Manufacturing Company (MOD), Schlumberger Limited (SLB) When I took a gander at a bit of news from The New York Times on Feb 22 which tells that The Obama organization, looking to advance household producing, proposed Wednesday to counterbalance new tax cuts for makes by raising assessments on a wide scope of other company,2 I expected the costs would go up due to the tax breaks to maker firms. In any case, the data given can now and again be deluding and clear decisions dependent on such data may not generally be what I anticipated that it should be. I contributed a colossal measure of cash on producer and related industries’ stocks, for example, Ford Motor Co. (F), Modine Manufacturing Company (MOD), and Schlumberger Limited (SLB) when I figured they would have a brilliant future because of the new proposition. Considering the high level of the assembling organizations stocks in my portfolio, clearly, I didn’t very much broadened my portfolio, which truly hurt the absolute worth in light of the fact that those stocks should be steady however wound up doing the inverse . From this experience, I figured out how significant the all around enhanced portfolio is. Given the rule of broadening, holding the enormous number of stocks in portfolio isn't very much differentiated, whose base normal yearly standard deviation is around 19. 2%, which because of the Nondiversifiable hazard. All things considered, I differentiated as most ideal as by putting resources into stocks, ETF, shared assets and subordinates from various regions to alleviate the hazard. Liz Claiborne Inc. (LIZ), Apple Inc. (AAPL), MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (MX), The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) and Fomento Econ (FMX) Once I changed my technique to join specialized examination and central investigation, I put together pulling forces with respect to fundamental specialized investigation diagram by means of yahoofinance. com, utilizing a few markers, for example, Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), investigating Moving Average and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from graph. Relative Strength Index (RSI) RSI is a marker that thinks about the extent of ongoing increases to later misfortunes trying to decide overbought and oversold states of a benefit, which ranges from 0 to 100. A benefit is regard to be overbought once the RSI approaches the 70 level, implying that it might be getting exaggerates and is a decent sign for resources pullback. In like manner, if the RSI approaches 30, it means that the advantage might be getting oversold and in this way liable to become underestimated. 3 Generally, if the RSI transcends 30 it is viewed as bullish for the stock. Then again, if the RSI falls underneath 70, it is a bearish sign. Liz Claiborne Inc. (LIZ), Apple Inc. (AAPL), MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (MX), The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) and Fomento Econ (FMX) models are the manner by which I gained from RSI examination. All the more explicitly, it indicated that in March 22, the RSI of LIZ arrived at 40 for a concise second to thought about bullish, and I bought the LIZ around $11. 80 and sold them at $13. 41 on April 17, and the RSI stands approximately 50 as of late. In addition, the organization hopes to see some improvement in Juicy business with the presentation of the new product in the spring assortment. The worth line gauge the LIZ will acquire about $0. 15 an offer in 2012. 4 The RSI of the stocks which I have referenced before are on the whole over 30 and the outcomes came out well up until this point. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) MACD is one of the least difficult and most solid markers accessible. It utilizes 26-days EMA and 12-day EMA, which are slacking pointers. A nine-day EMA of the MACD, called the â€Å"signal line†, is then plotted on the MACD, working as a trigger for purchase and sell signals. By and large, when the MACD falls beneath the sign line, it is a bearish sign, which shows that it might be an ideal opportunity to sell. Alternately, when the MACD transcends the sign line, the marker gives a bullish sign, which recommends that the cost of the benefit is likely t experience upward energy. 5 The AAPL model above is the means by which I found out about the MACD investigation. It tells that in March 7, MACD transcended the sign line, giving a bullish sign, I purchased the AAPL at $534. 14 and sold at $583. 92 on March 16, things being what they are, I increase a great deal from AAPL, yet at the same time I sold them too soon. Enhancement Option Analyzing that the AAPL cost would increment sooner rather than later, I bought the call choices to enhance my portfolio. Furthermore, I realized this undertaking is a learning device, which let all the understudies be comfortable with the a wide range of protections, I was not reluctant to commit errors and attempt various protections. The outcome turned out entirely well that I picked up around 183% from AAPL1217C540. (Bought at $14. 15 and sold at $41. 88) Mutual Funds Given the low financing cost, it's anything but an astute choice to buy securities, so I went to shared assets to expand my portfolio. I purchased Delaware Pooled Trust the Cap Growth Equity (DPLGX) and Columbia Strategic Income A (COSIX). The DPLGX has a place with huge development reserves, which is positioned four-star by Morningstar Rating with Year-to-Date bring 16 back. 08% and 0. 22% Yield. The COSIX is a Multisector Bond with medium loan cost affectability and low credit quality, which positions three-star before dawn Rating with 3. 76% Year-to-Date and 5. 17% Yield. What I found from shared assets is that it not as instability as stocks, which successfully decline the danger of the portfolio. The estimation of common supports I purchased regularly go up when entire securities exchange is bearish and decrease when financial exchange is bullish. With the assistance of the shared assets, my portfolio returns varied somewhat around 9% to 11% however the arrival of the common assets around - 2%. ETF Since there was such instability in the financial exchange and my general return was over 10%, I begin to put resources into okay protections, for example, Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI), which are huge Blend Exchange Trade Fund bases on absolute securities exchange. Portfolio Performance Analysis My general return is 9.

How Do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus Convey Their Respective Views on Death Free Essays

How do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus pass on their individual perspectives on death? World Literature 1 22/08/2010 Many parts of death are contemplated and addressed all through Octavio Paz’s sonnets, the two I have decided to especially concentrate on are Plain and Near Cape Comorin. Albert Camus has likewise thought about the part of death inside his novel, The Outsider. The title, The Outsider is indispensable to the content, as it reflects numerous parts of the author’s life. We will compose a custom exposition test on How Do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus Convey Their Respective Views on Death or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now David Simpson clarified that ‘Camus lived an incredible majority in different gatherings and networks without truly being of them’ (iii). This likewise shows likenesses among Camus and the hero, Meursault, as all through The Outsider, Meursault appears to kill every one of his feelings permitting himself to watch his own life as a ‘outsider’. Be that as it may, Camus was conceived as and raised to be an outcast, while Meursault accept his segregated, individualized life himself. Both Camus and his hero share an existentialist view on death, this is apparent in the novel The Outsider. Though Paz shows an increasingly positive position on death. Both Paz and Camus pass on the thought that demise is an unavoidable result of life, anyway they approach this in totally different manners. While Camus takes a negative perspective on death, hauntingly reflected in his protagonist’s flippant, aloof disposition towards his capital punishment, Paz compares pictures of death and rot, with that of magnificence, and nature. Plain is immersed with sexual symbolism, nonetheless, it is shown to the peruser in an unusual way, proposing that life imparts a natural connect to death. Instinctive symbolism, for example, that of ‘decapitated phalluses’ and a spouting ‘open wound’ would regularly point towards mortality, yet the nearness of sexual symbolism differentiates this thought as, sex is illustrative of the fulfillment of life. Camus presents a comparable idea in The Outsider; as he expresses that the main certain thing in life is the certainty of death, and, in light of the fact that all people will in the long run meet demise, all lives are altogether similarly useless. This hypothesis shows itself in Meursault’s apathetic reaction to his own approaching passing. Though during his preliminary Meursault inactively watched the decisions leveled against him, in jail he starts to contemplate the reality of his unavoidable passing. He starts to consider his to be as having a past, present, and future, and reasons that there is no contrast between biting the dust soon by execution and passing on decades later of normal causes. This disclosure comes about when Meursault encounters a feeling of freedom in his prison cell. His enthusiastic upheaval towards the clergyman, ‘hurl[ing] affronts at him’ (124), differentiates tremendously against the unpolished, unconcerned opening sentence ‘Maman kicked the bucket today. Or then again yesterday perhaps, I can’t be sure’ (11). While anticipating his execution, Meursault makes the last stride in the improvement of his cognizance. This limit with regards to self-investigation is another advancement for Meursault, and it stands out enormously from his degree of mindfulness prior in the novel. This is noteworthy, as it catalyzes his self illumination, improving his mentality into that of an existentialist. Meursault’s way to deal with death, and in certainty his whole conviction structure focuses to that of a person with a flippant position on life. He is neither good or unethical, he just doesn't make the qualification among great and terrible as far as he could tell. His experience with the cleric presents the peruser with a reasonable twofold inverse; separating between a discerning, Christian arrangement of conviction and that of Meursault who will not surrender to Christianity. Meursault reasons that the universe is, similar to him, absolutely unconcerned with human life. He concludes that people’s lives have no stupendous significance or significance, and that their activities, their comings and goings, have no impact on the world. This acknowledgment is the zenith of the considerable number of occasions of the novel. When Meursault acknowledges ‘the considerate lack of concern of the universe,’ (127) he discovers harmony with himself and with the general public around him, and his advancement as a character is finished. Paz poses comparable philosophical inquiries in Near Cape Comorin; utilizing the principal individual to logically ask: ‘Am I a lost soul or a meandering body? In a similar sonnet he utilizes nature to pass on different components of religion, as it is all around realized that individuals search for answers in their beliefs. Hinduism is insinuated, with references to ‘a troupe of asking monkeys’; perhaps a gesture to the Hindu divinity â€Å"Hanuman†. This is compared with references to C hristianity, for example, the ‘cobra’ from Genesis; a twofold portrayal of western versus eastern religion. Nature is likewise used to portray demise in Plain when Paz talks of ‘the humming of the flies’ indicating rot. The subject of bugs proceeds as he makes reference to a sculpture of ‘a holy person painted blue and pink. From his left eye’ gushing ‘grey winged bugs that†¦ fall went to dust’. This once more, flavors of death and rot; making in the reader’s mind, the picture of a spoiling cadaver. This is distinctly compared with the chipper shades of the ‘saint’ which could themselves speak to the sex generalized garments given to infants. In conclusion, demise itself is evoked with the exemplification by Paz, of a ‘a winged animal wearing black’. This is a normally utilized image of death, and the thought that the ‘bird flies in circles’ focuses to the repeating idea of life and demise. This flying creature, be that as it may, may likewise be utilized to depict trust as it ‘rests on the main living tree’ demonstrating trust in the protection and search of life. This expectation is likewise present in The Outsider on the grounds that once Meursault excuses his apparent contrast among execution and regular demise, he should manage the idea of expectation. Expectation just torments him, since it makes the bogus figment that he can change the reality of his passing. The jump of expectation he feels at having an additional twenty years of life keeps him from benefiting as much as possible from his last days or hours. Expectation upsets his quiet and understanding, and keeps him from completely dealing with his circumstance. By utilizing symbolisms of religion, nature and sex, Paz makes a moderately inspirational attitude toward death, in distinct resistance to Camus’ exaggerated, aloof position on death. Through Meursault’s activities, Camus verifiably challenges society’s acknowledged good commitments, which express that one ought to lament over death, particularly for a friend or family member or relative. Since Meursault doesn't lament, society classes him as an untouchable, a potential danger, a man with ‘a criminal mentality’ (105) and stands ‘no place [within] a community’ (108). Meursault’s outlook and potentially that of Camus is moved to his perspectives on death; sees which fit into an existentialist perspective. Paz additionally depicts demise as an inescapable result of life nd presence, as exemplified by the evil flying creature, ‘dressed in black’, flying in dreary circles, arriving on ‘the just living tree’ apparently as an omen of its unavoidable passing. (1,133 words) Bibliography: †¢ Camus, Albert (1971) L’Etranger, (made an interpretation of from unique French to English by Stuart Gilbert,) London: Heinemann Educational Books Limited †¢ Paz, Octavio,. 1979. Chosen sonnets. A bilingual release. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd †¢ Simpson, David â€Å"Themes and Ideas: iii) The Outsider,† The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, http://www. iep. utm. edu/camus/ The most effective method to refer to How Do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus Convey Their Respective Views on Death, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Assignment - 1

Cash, Banking, and Financial Markets - Assignment Example 3). Around the globe key records are on the ascent, fuelled by the decrease in the benchmark loan costs by the Central Bank of China (The Globe and Mail Par. 4). The Eurozone has additionally declared it is securing resources in a transition to reinforce the economy of that locale (The Globe and Mail Par. 4). The Canadian dollar is developing against different monetary forms, and there is a desire that there will be an expansion in Interest Rates by the Bank of Canada to think about the new degrees of swelling. Moves made by the Government have arranged Canada as an inflexibly engaging spot to open and build up a business. A strong and forceful business condition, accordingly, enables the economy to create (The Globe and Mail Par. 4), makes new occupations and raises our desire for regular daily existence. The Government has passed on the job diminishes totaling more than $60 billion to occupation making associations from 2008â€09 through 2013â€14 ( Par. 23). To construct business venture and improve benefit, the administration general corporate compensation appraisal rate was reduced to 15 for each penny in 2012 from 22.12 for each penny in 2007 ( Par. 23), remembering the removal of the corporate surtax for 2008 for all associations. In acknowledgment of the particularly perilous effect that capital costs have on business venture, the administration capital cost was executed in 2006. The Government in like manner gave an interval cash related propelling power to encourage the regions to discard their general capital costs ( Par. 24). The last commongeneral capital obligation was shed in 2012. To engage the improvement of little associations by relinquishing them with obligation supports that can be held and reinvested in the business, the little business appraisal rate was diminished to 11 for each penny in 2008, and the proportion of pay equipped for

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Brief History of Big Data

Brief History of Big Data © Shutterstock | McIekThis article ventures into the world of big data, the history of big data all the way from its early stages in the 20th Century to big data as we know it now. The article also discusses some of the most prominent applications of big data in the world we live in.WHAT IS BIG DATA?In the business landscape of today, data management can be a major determinant of whether you succeed or fail. Most businesses have begun to realize the importance of incorporating strategies that can transform them through the application of big data. In this endeavor, businesses are realizing that big data is not simply a single technology or technique. Rather, big data is a trend that stretches across numerous fields in business and technology.Big Data is the term used to refer to initiatives and technologies that comprise of data that is too diverse, fast evolving, and vast for ordinary technologies, infra- structure, and skills to address exhaustively. That is; the volume, velocity and variety of the data is far too great. Despite the complexity of this data, advances in technology are allowing businesses to draw value from big data.For example, in your businesses can be positioned to track consumer web clicks in order to identify consumers’ behavioral trends and modify the business’s campaigns, advertisements, and pricing to fit the consumers’ persona.An additional example would be where energy service providers assess household consumption levels in order to predict impending outages and promote more efficient energy consumption.Additionally, health provision bodies may be able to monitor the spread as well as the emergence of illnesses by analyzing social media data. There are numerous applications of big data, the most noteworthy of which will be discussed a little later in the article. Big Data involves the creation of large amounts of complex data, its storage, its retrieval, and finally its analysis.The following are the three Vs of big data.Volum e. Two decades ago, typical computers may have had about ten gigabytes of memory. Today, however, social media platforms such as Facebook will take in over half a billion terabytes of data on a daily basis. Similarly, Boeing airplanes generate hundreds of terabytes in flight data in a single flight. The wide spread use of smartphones and tablets results in the generation of billions of terabytes of consistently updated data feeds that are of infinitely diverse genres.Velocity. Clickstreams capture user behavior at millions of events each second. For example, stock trading market changes are reflected within microseconds. Computer processes exchange data between billions of gadgets, infrastructure, and sensors in order to generate accurate and applicable data in real-time. For example, on-line gaming systems support millions of users operating concurrently and with each producing multiple inputs every second.Variety. Big data does not just refer to numbers and dates, big data is all that inclusive of audio, video, unstructured text, social media information, and so much more. Database systems of about two decades ago had been designed to address a smaller volume of structured data, slower, and fewer updates. They were designed to process structured and predictable forms of data. These traditional databases were also designed to operate on single servers, which would make an increase in capacity an expensive endeavor. Programs and applications have evolved to serve large volumes of users and the use of the olden databases has become a liability for most businesses as opposed to an asset. Big Data databases, for example MongoDB, solve these issues and avail businesses great value.HISTORY OF BIG DATAThe term Big Data was coined by Roger Mougalas back in 2005. However, the application of big data and the quest to understand the available data is something that has been in existence for a long time. As a matter of fact, some of the earliest records of the applicatio n of data to analyze and control business activities date as far back as7,000 years.This was with the introduction of accounting in Mesopotamia for the recording of crop growth and herding. The principles continued to grow and improve and John Graunt in 1663 recorded and analyzed information on the rate of mortality in London. John Graunt did this in an effort to raise awareness on the effects of the bubonic plague that was ongoing at the time.In his book ‘Natural and Political Observations Made upon the Bills of Mortality’, John Graunt provided the world with the first statistical analysis of data ever recorded. The book was an insight into the causes of death in seventeenth century England. Due to his work, John Graunt is widely regarded as the pioneer of the field of statistics.After the works of Graunt, accounting principles continued to improve and develop but nothing extra ordinary quite took place until recently in the 20th Century when the information era began. The star ting point of modern data begins in 1889 when a computing system was invented by Herman Hollerith in an attempt to organize census data.After Herman Hollerith’s input, the next noteworthy data development leap happened in 1937 under Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential administration in the United States. After the United States congress passed the Social Security Act, the government was required to keep track of millions of Americans. The government contracted IBM to develop a punch card-reading system that would be applied in this extensive data project.However, the very first data-processing machine was named ‘Colossus’ and was developed by the British in order to decipher Nazi codes in World War II, 1943. This machine worked by searching for any patterns that would appear regularly in the intercepted messages. The machine worked at a record rate of five thousand characters per second, which reduced work that would take weeks to just a few hours.From this development, the National Security Agency (NSA) was created in the United States in 1952. Employees of the NSA were tasked with decrypting the obtained messages during the course of the Cold War. Machine development at this stage had advanced to a level where machines could independently and automatically collect and process information.The first data centre was built by the United States government in 1965 for the purpose of storing millions of tax returns and fingerprint sets. This was achieved by transferring every record onto magnetic tapes that were to be stored systematically in a central location. This project, however, did not persist due to fear of sabotage or acquisition. However, it is a widely accepted that this initiative was the starting point of electronic big storage.Tim Berners-Lee a British computer scientist invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Berners-Lee’s intention was to enable the sharing of information through a hypertext system. He had no idea what kind of impact his inv ention would have on the world. As we entered the 1990’s, the creation of data grew at an extremely high rate as more devices gained capacity to access the internet.The first super-computer was built in 1995. This computer had the capacity to handle work that would take a single person thousands of years in a matter of seconds.And so came the 21st Century This is when the world was first introduced to the term Big Data by Roger Mougalas. In the same year (2005), Yahoo created the now open-source Hadoop with the intention of indexing the entire World Wide Web. Today, Hadoop is used by millions of businesses to go through colossal amounts of data.During this period, social networks were rapidly increasing and large amounts of data were being created on a daily basis. Businesses and governments alike began to establish big data projects. For example, in 2009 in the largest biometric database ever created, the Indian government stored fingerprint and iris scans of all of its citizens. Eric Schmidt gave a speech at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, California in 2010. In his speech he presented that there were 5 exabytes of data stored since the beginning of time up to the year 2003. Eric Schmidt possibly could not imagine that by the year 2016, the same amount of data would normally be created every two days. The rate at which big data is growing does not seem to be slowing down either. Over the past number of years, there have been various organizations that have come up in an attempt to deal with big data, for example, HCL. These organizations’ business is aiding other businesses to understand big data. Everyday more and more businesses are moving towards the acceptance and exploitation ofbig data.Although it seems like big data has been around for a long time now and that we are getting closer to the pinnacle, big data may just be at its formidable stages. Big data in the near future may end up making big data now seem like a poultry amount.What does t he Future HoldThere you go; that was a brief history of Big Data. Looking into history can give us a minor insight into the future. Two decades ago, businesses that possessed information were the most successful whilst today, the most successful businesses are the ones that interpret and use the information in the best way.It may be fair to assume that in the future, the success of businesses will not only lie in those who analyze and implement big data the best, but also those who use big data to their greatest advantage and make strategic decisions for the future.Learn why most big data projects will fail.[slideshare id=55470639doc=5signsyourbigdataprojectisdoomedtofail11-151124163153-lva1-app6891w=640h=330]APPLICATION OF BIG DATA IN THE WORLD TODAYIndustry influencers agree that big data has become a game changer in just about all modern industries in the last couple of years. As big data continues to influence our daily lives, there has been a shift of interest in the subject. T he focus has changed from simply trying to grasp the concept of this phenomenon to finding tangible value in its application.For most of us, I am sure the term Big Data inspires the image of rows of humming servers and a sequence of flickering lights. Big data, however, persists beyond the storage of information. There are several areas in which big data is being applied; the following section presents you with the most prominent areas in which big data applies today.In Understanding and Targeting ConsumersThis is among the most popular and publicized areas in which big data is being used. In business, big data helps your business to analyze data and better understand the consumers’ behaviors and interests. Your business ought to expand beyond its traditional data sets. By incorporating the use of data obtained from social media, browser logs, and sensor data, you will be able to get a clearer picture of what your consumers need. Once you understand this, your business will be bet ter positioned to create predictive models and position itself to meet consumer needs.Big data can, therefore, apply in analyzing and understanding your audience’s interests. For example, some people are even of the opinion that President Obama’s second election win was due to his team’s superior ability to use big data analytics to understand the audience’s interests and appeal to them. In theory, this is plausible, and big data can be used to predict and influence even events as big and important as government elections. How much more so for your business?Self OptimizationBig data does not only apply to your business, but can also apply to you as an individual. You can now benefit from data generated by devices such as smart watches. These devices have the capacity, for example, to monitor the amount of calories you intake in a day, your activity level, as well as your sleep patterns. While the real-time information may be exciting to observe, for example, your calorie int ake at the end of the day, the real value lies in analyzing your collective data.With the analysis of data collected from you over a certain period of time, you will be able to make adjustments in your personal life in order to be more productive, to eat healthy, to acquire sufficient amounts of sleep, and so forth.Improvement of HealthcareThis is another area where big data has played and continues to play a major role. For example, computing big data enables health providers to analyze and decode DNA issues in a matter of minutes. Big data will also allow us to discover diseases faster than would be possible without it. On top of this, big data allows healthcare providers to predict the patterns of diseases and, therefore, measures can be set up to prevent further spread of the diseases.Apple launched a health app known as ResearchKit. Through such an application, researchers can collect data from individual phones to be compiled for various health studies. For example, as a patie nt your device may prompt you to indicate how you feel about treatment services.This data along with that gathered from thousands, if not millions, of other participants will reveal information that compels medical practitioners step up the quality of their services. Data gathered from this application and similar ones, can be used to gather information on specific diseases. For example, information on patients of terminal illnesses can be compiled to be used in the furtherance of research.In addition, big data is already in use in the monitoring of babies who are premature or sick. Through the recording of each heartbeat as well as the breathing pattern of the babies brought to the unit, infections are detectable way before the onset of physical symptoms. This way, treatment is administered early because every hour counts with such fragile babies. This prompt administration of treatment, therefore, increases the babies’ chances of survival.Security and Law Enforcement Improvement Another sector where big data is heavily applied is in the enhancement and enablement of law enforcement. Governmental institutions, for example, the NSA in the United States use big data to detect and deter potential terrorist activities. In business, on the other hand, big data analytics can be used for the prevention of cyber attacks and unauthorized access. For the police department, big data tools enable the officers to predict and deter criminal activities.In 2014, the Chicago Police Department in Illinois, United States, sent out officers to pay a visit to persons that had been identified as most likely to commit crimes. This group of people was generated by a computer through the analysis of big data. The officers visited the individuals on their list, not to interrogate or detain them but to offer them information about jobs and training programs.The officers also educated these individuals on the consequences of certain crimes and their dynamics. As much as the intentions of the police department were sincere, the exercise was quickly shut down when the public opined that the exercise was ‘profiling’. I recognize the importance of security but I have to agree with that opinion.IN CONCLUSIONAlthough the era of big data has only recently begun, businesses and governments alike are already taking advantage of it. However, big data can be misused, for example, the Chicago Police Departments initiative in following up on people who were identified as potential criminals through big data analysis may have been done with the best of intentions.Nonetheless, the initiative can still be considered profiling and a tool through which people can be stigmatized for who they are or their past mistakes.   However, big data may very well be a double edged sword because through monitoring of social media activity and analyzing people’s likes and interests in big data, terrorist attacks can be averted. Yet this is also an invasion of privacy. Despite this downsid e, the benefits of big data carry much more weight and its applications in business, health, governance, and beyond should be encouraged.Big data has been slowly developing over the last few centuries and in the course of the past decade, big data has quickly evolved to become what we know it to be today. One vital point to note is that big data is not only about accumulating and storing massive amounts of information but, more importantly, utilizing that information to solve issues in business as well as in our society.Big data seems to evolve simultaneously with advancement in technology. Therefore, as we advance in technology, big data will continue to grow as a field and in volume, possibly to levels we cannot even fathom right now.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Examining Allegory A Versatile Concept in Beowulf, Everyman, and Mother! - Literature Essay Samples

Throughout early English literature as well as modern stories of various mediums, a popular literary device is that of allegory. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary describes allegory as â€Å"the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence† (â€Å"Allegory†). Essentially, allegory is the implementation of symbols and metaphors as a means of progressing the narrative in a story or relaying a message of sorts. Two potent examples of allegory can be found in the epic Beowulf as well as the morality play, Everyman. A recent example of this storytelling mechanic can be found in the form of Darren Aronofsky’s film, Mother!, which will be discussed later in this essay. While Beowulf adopts pointed instances of symbolism and allegorical concepts, the entirety of Everyman utilizes allegory by way of personifying mankind’s deeds and struggles. Perhaps the most profound allegorical elements of Beowulf are Grendel and his mother. Grendel is a descendent of Cain while his mother can be interpreted as a personification of original sin. Elaborating on the idea of the allegorical relationship between Grendel and Cain, take a look at the similarities of their respective origins between the Bible and Beowulf. In the book of Genesis, Cain is exiled by God to the land of Nod for murdering his brother: â€Å"†¦what hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood cries unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth†¦when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth† (Holy Bible Genesis 4:10-12). Here we have Cain marked as a figure of maliciousness. Beowulf references this Biblical text describing Grendel as â€Å"[having] dwelt for a time / in misery among the banished monsters, / Cain’s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts† (lines 104-107). The fact that Beowulf explicitly references this text reinforces the idea that Grendel was written in as a beast of Cain and manifestation of evil. A crude textual example of symbolism within Beowulf occurs at a point in the story where Beowulf defeats Grendel in combat: â€Å"Clear proof of this [victory] / could be seen in the hand [Beowulf] displayed / high up near the roof [of Hrothgar’s mead hall]: the whole of Grendel’s / shoulder and arm, his awesome grasp† (lines 832-835). We commonly associate arms and shoulders as symbols of brawn and perhaps braggadocio. Grendel spent much of his time terrorizing people in a show of strength, solely due to his disdain for merriment. Given that Beowulf quite literally tore off his arm, Grendel’s physical prowess as well as his innate ability to inflict terror has effectively been silenced. One aspect of this passage that stood out to me was that Grendel’s grasp is referred to as ‘awesome.’ A close synonym to the word ‘awesome’ is ‘fearsome,’ which simply means â€Å"[to cause] fear† (â€Å"Fearsome† ). The decision to use ‘awesome’ to describe Grendel’s grasp could be seen as a conscious decision on the part of the author to insinuate that even though Grendel was defeated, his grasp of terror still has lingering effects. Now let’s examine Grendel’s mother. Immediately we have another point of similarity between Beowulf and the Bible: Grendel’s mother and Eve both brought various sins into the world; Eve gave birth to Cain and wrought about original sin into the world by disobeying God. In the case of Grendel’s mother, Beowulf describes her as a â€Å"monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs† (line 1259). Nothing the parallels between Eve and Grendel’s mother, it wouldn’t be too far-out to suggest that Grendel’s mother is a relative of Eve depicted as ‘monstrous’ on account of her being malformed by sin. Near the end of Beowulf, there remains another instance of allegory that appears as a dragon, specifically a â€Å"slick-skinned dragon, threatening the night sky / with streamers of fire†¦ / He is driven to hunt out / hoards underground, to guard heathen gold†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (lines 2273-2276). This creatures is meant to represent Satan being that it spends its days guarding swaths of ‘heathen’ treasure. It would seem likely that J.R.R. Tolkien borrowed parts of this character from Beowulf as inspiration for the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit. Beowulf ends up defeating the dragon at the expense of his own life, which could in turn read as an exegesis of Christ sacrificing himself for the sins of mankind. Possibly a more straightforward example of allegory can be found in Everyman. A prime example of the classic morality play, Everyman personifies the personality traits of man and allegorizes the character of Everyman as a symbol for all of mankind. Contrary to other morality plays of the time, Everyman trades crude humor for a more â€Å"straight-to-the-point† conversation on salvation. The point being, Everyman presents itself as a digestible means of addressing complex thoughts on spirituality. Allegory within the play presents itself most significantly toward the end, where the character Good Deeds discusses the negativity of holding earthly desires: â€Å"All earthly things is but vanity. / Beauty, Strength, and Discretion do man forsake. / Foolish friends and kinsmen that fair spake— / All fleeth save Good Deeds, and that am I† (lines 869-872). Within this passage, the play is floating the idea that enshrining yourself with earthly ideals leads only to aband onment; the good you have done throughout your life is the only thing that won’t come back to bite you in the rear. Everyman depicts mankind’s earthly wants sort of as a gang of flakey friends that man must be willing to rid himself of in order to attain salvation and enter Heaven. Fast-forward to 2017. While some cast it off as absurd, a discerning viewer can easily spot bits of allegory in Darren Aronofsky’s divisive film Mother!. The story centers around a couple, referred to respectively as Mother and Him (they are otherwise unnamed), who lead a tranquil, if isolated life. Him is a poet who is suffering from a major bout of writer’s block. Mother is Him’s unconditional muse and support. Shortly into the film, uninvited guests start creeping into Mother and Him’s household. In a nutshell, all Hell breaks loose. The allegory in Mother! is fairly easy to decipher: â€Å"[the film] is about Mother Earth†¦and God [Him]†¦the house represents our planet† (Ryzik par 15). While the film might appear as abstract or perhaps pretentious on the surface, it actually does well to paint a potent metaphor for the destruction we wreak about on our planet. The reason Mother has been included within this essay is because of the nece ssity to discuss the contemporary application of allegory as it can aid the otherwise perplexed reader in developing a clearer understanding of its use. Whether it be in classical literature or modern film, allegory and symbolism have remained popular methods of boiling down otherwise dense material. Throughout Beowulf, symbolism is implemented to effectively illustrate the victory of good over evil. Everyman serves as a lesson in what man must do to attain salvation through the use of allegorical characters. In the contemporary realm, the film Mother elucidates the destruction we often unknowingly bring upon the environment. Some might view allegory as little more than a hoity-toity ego trip for the writer’s own gratification, but the fact remains that it is a highly potent way to present difficult subject matter and relay a relevant message to an otherwise casual, unassuming audience. Works Cited Allegory. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2017. Fearsome. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2017. Beowulf.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 9th ed. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 41-108. Print. Everyman.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 9th ed. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 507-529. Print. Holy Bible. King James Version. Zondervan, 2010. Ryzik, Melena. â€Å"Making ‘Mother!,’ the Year’s Most Divisive Film.† The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 Sept. 2017,

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Legal And Ethical Issues Of Nursing - 1993 Words

Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing NSG 4070 Week 5 Assignment 2 South University Clark, S. Introduction Judie has been a faithful employee for the past ten years of the hospital she is employed at. For several months, Judie has been experiencing feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction in her position as nurse manager. Her concerns are both for her professional career as well as how it directly impacts her personal life. Judie feels that the organization is demanding more of her time and consuming more of the time she could be spending with her two children. In addition, she feels that the organization has cut back on their budget for staffing and she feels this has affected patient care in a negative way. This†¦show more content†¦Her desire is to provide for them a loving and supportive home, while maintaining a long and valued career as a nurse at the hospital. She takes her role as a nurse and patient advocate very seriously. Judie is ethically driven to provide a safe and nurturing environment for both her children at home and her patients at work. Nurturing is an in nate characteristic that a parent and mother possess, and also a good nurse. Judie and I certainly share that value, and its reflected both in our feelings regarding our career and our parenting. Fidelity is a value that I hold steadfast to both as a mother and a nurse. We as nurses are called upon to care for individuals when they are ill and vulnerable, and our role is to promote beneficence. Conflicts Judie has been experiencing cut backs at work in regards to the hospitals budget, and these cuts have impacted the quality of patient care. She is feeling conflicted because she feels that she is unable to adequately fulfill her duty of nonmalficence. Budgets are a necessary part of running a successful company or business, however, if these budget cuts negatively impact a nurses ability to deliver adequate patient care than that poses an ethical dilemma for the nurse manager (Judie). According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in 1999, the nations healthcare system seems to be fractured, error prone, and harmful to the point that it jeopardizes patient safety. (Kizer Stegun, 2005) Recognizing this as

Monday, May 18, 2020

Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1246 Words

Hubris is a Greek word that means overwhelming pride, as stated by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Thus, a person that is hubristic is one that is arrogant and has lot of pride and self-confidence. Holy teachings from the Christian church condemn hubris and emphasize that hubristic behaviors lead to eminent and disastrous downfalls. Various examples of teachings of anti-hubristic behavior can be found on the bible such as â€Å"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble† (Proverbs 3:34) and â€Å"Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished† (Proverbs 16:5). Consequently, Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Shakespeare’s Macbeth are two stories that clearly depict the hubristic behavior that is condemned by the Christian church since both focus on human pride and thirst for power. Macbeth portrays more hubristic behavior than Doctor Faustus, although Doctor Faustus initially seems to be more hubri stic than Macbeth. Shakespeare’s Macbeth begins by showing Macbeth as a heroic warrior that fought to protect Scotland and honor King Duncan. This portrays Macbeth as a character that is selfless, worthy and humble. Moreover, Macbeth is so modest that when the witches refer to him as he is as the Thane of Cawdor and tell him his prophecy of his future title he is completely shocked and mesmerized. On the contrary, Marlow’s Doctor Faustus begins with an emphasis on Doctor Faustus’ â€Å"know-it all† attitude and his continuous search forShow MoreRelatedMacbeth by William Shakespeare770 Words   |  3 PagesThe play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be written between 1603 and 1607 and set in eleventh century Scotland. It is also believed to be first performed in 1606. It is considered to be one of the darkest and most powerful tragedies. Macbeth, set in Scotland, dramatizes the psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen to ful fill the ambition of power. The Tragedy of Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy and tells the story of Macbeth, a ScottishRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1425 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth Just Can’t Wait To Be King Everyone has a quality that they do not like about themselves. Some people struggle to be social, others may be too controlling of people. The list goes on and on, but the point is that everybody has a particular quality that they must learn to control or else that particular quality can get out of hand. Of course, one could write a list of characters that have major flaws. There is no better example than William Shakespeare’s character, Macbeth, in The TragedyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.† On October 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,† Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkiness of character. Throughout the pla y, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and noneRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1203 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth is a play based on King James I, it was written by William Shakespeare, however this play isn’t a king and queen fairy tale, but it’s a play about greed and guilt, chaos and murder and three evil witches who use prophecies to influence Macbeth to do bad things, using flattery would instigate his inner ambition to become king, which in the end doesn’t lead to a very happy ending. Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, was written in the early Jacobean period. During those times, women had no power, theyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesreaction†. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tale which illuminates the consequences of violating the â€Å"Natural order†, the hierarchy of beings in the universe. When Macbeth, a warrior wel l-known for his courage and bravery, murders King Duncan acting on his unchecked ambition to claim the throne, the order was disrupted, the result†¦chaos. Shakespeare uses symbolism to illustrate the atmosphere of the play as the natural order is flung into a state of turmoil. These techniques used by Shakespeare is usedRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1483 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent references in the play of how a king deals with power and if they use it for better or for their own personal gain. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s obsession with his journey to power leads to his failure. This obsession is demonstrated through the prophecies, the murder of his best friend Banquo, and his own demise. Macbeth demonstrates that he is incapable of mastering the power and responsibilities of being a king. This is indicated throughout the play with theRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1045 Words   |  5 PagesBlood appears in only two forms, but many times in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; between the war scene at the beginning of the play and the lifting of Macbeth’s severed being lifted by Macduff at the end. It can be said that Macbeth could have been written in blood that there is such a large amount. What is unique about blood in Macbeth is that the â€Å"imaginary blood† or the guilt that the murderer feels plays more of a role of understand and amplifying the theme of the play, that blood is guiltRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1431 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth, though originally a valiant and prudent soldier, deteriorates into an unwise king whose rash decisions conclusively end in the atrophy of his title, power, and position. Several facto rs contribute to the downfall of Macbeth, which produce a contagion effect and ultimately end with his demise. He receives help from his â€Å"inner ambitions and external urgings† which result in his downfall (Bernad 49). The â€Å"external urgings† consist of the weird sisters who disclose his prophecies, which enlightenRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare2060 Words   |  9 Pagesthe green one red Macbeth Quote (Act II, Sc. II). Out, out, brief candle! Life s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V). These quotes have been taken from play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare. Like these quotes there are hundreds and thousands of such heart touching quotes written by Shakespeare in his many different

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Definition and Examples of the Middle Style in Rhetoric

In classical rhetoric, the middle style is reflected in speech or writing that (in terms of word choice, sentence structures, and delivery) falls between the extremes of the plain style and the grand style. Roman rhetoricians generally advocated the use of the plain style for teaching, the middle style for pleasing, and the grand style for moving an audience. Examples and Observations An Example of the Middle Style: Steinbeck on the Urge to TravelWhen I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age, I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. Four hoarse blasts of a ships whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping. The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage. In other words, I don’t improve; in further words, once a bum always a bum. I fear the disease is incurable. I set this matter down not to instruct others but to inform myself.(John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America. Viking, 1962)Three Kinds o f StyleThe classical rhetoricians delineated three kinds of style--the grand style, the middle style, and the plain style. Aristotle told his students that every kind of rhetorical style is capable of being used in season or out of season. They warned against the too grand style calling it swollen, or the too plain style which when misused they called meagre, and dry and bloodless. The middle style used inappropriately they called slack, without sinews and joints . . . drifting.(Winifred Bryan Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition. St. Martins, 1988)The Middle Style in Roman RhetoricThe speaker who sought to entertain his listeners would choose a middle style. Vigor was sacrificed for charm. Any and every form of ornamentation was appropriate, including the use of wit and humor. Such a speaker possessed the skill to develop arguments with breadth and erudition; he was master at amplification. His words were chosen for the effect they would produce on others. Euphony and imager y were cultivated. The overall effect was one of moderation and temperance, of polish and urbanity. This style of discourse, more than any other, typified Cicero himself and would later influence us in English through the marvelous prose style of Edmund Burke.(James L. Golden, The Rhetoric of Western Thought, 8th ed. Kendall/Hunt, 2004)The Tradition of the Middle Style- The Middle Style . . . resembles the simple in striving to communicate truth to the understanding with clearness, and resembles the grand in aiming to influence the feelings and passions. It is bolder and more profuse in the employment of figures and the various emphatic verbal forms than the simple style; but does not use those appropriate to intense feeling, which are found in the grand.This style is employed in all compositions intended not only to inform and convince, but at the same time to move the feelings and passions. Its character varies with the predominance of one or other of these ends. When instruction and conviction are predominant, it approaches the lower style; when influencing the feelings is the main object, it partakes more of the character of the higher.(Andrew D. Hepburn, Manual of English Rhetoric, 1875)- The middle style is the style you dont notice, the style that does not show, ideal transparency. . . .To define a style in this way, of course, means that we cannot talk about the style itself--the actual configuration of words on the page--at all. We must talk about the social substance surrounding it, the historical pattern of expectations which renders it transparent.(Richard Lanham, Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003)- Ciceros idea of the middle style . . . lies between the ornateness and perorations of the grand or vigorous style (used for persuasion) and the simple words and conversational manner of the plain or low style (used for proof and instruction). Cicero designated the middle style as a vehicle for pleasure and defined it by what it is not--not showy, not highly figurative, not stiff, not excessively simple or terse. . . . The twentieth-century reformers, up to and beyond Strunk and White, were and are advocating their version of the middle style. . . .An accepted middle style exists for any form of writing you can think of: news stories in The New York Times, scholarly articles in the sciences or humanities, historical narratives, Weblogs, legal decisions, romance or suspense novels, CD reviews in Rolling Stone, medical case studies.(Ben Yagoda, The Sound on the Page. Harper, 2004)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prostitution It Should Be Legal - 1431 Words

According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, prostitution is defined as â€Å"the work of a prostitute: the act of having sex in exchange for money† (cite). Underneath this definition is one that follows as, â€Å"the use of a skill or ability in a way that is not appropriate or respectable† (cite). Prostitution is a pressing matter in the United States and, as one can assume after reading the second definition given, implicated negatively throughout society. Many view this topic in an undesirable manner, and fail to recognize the positive aspects of prostitution; prostitution brings about so many positive aspects that progressive countries have enacted the legality of its practices. The legality of prostitution would (encourage individuals to practice in a profession in which epitomizes our freedom of body and rights or enacts a profession in which allows us to practice our basic human/civil rights), yield many economic benefits, and decrease the amount of sexually tr ansmitted diseases (STDs) throughout their community, and Opponents, on the other hand, believe that prostitution should not be legal because the act is physically and emotionally devastating to all those involved, creates a higher number of human trafficking victims. The Unites States of America prides itself in the freedom and liberty it allows its citizens; one of these freedoms testifying that individuals have the right to do what they want with their bodies – as such, if one wishes to participate in prostitution,Show MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be Legal? Essay1145 Words   |  5 PagesShould prostitution be legal? Prostitution has been around for decades. Since 1780 BC the legalization of prostitution has been a controversial topic. Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money.† Prostitution. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016. Many claim that is one of the oldest professions. If this is one of the oldest professions why is it still illegal? So many people have different opinions on the issueRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal1695 Words   |  7 Pagesthat prostitution will exist no matter what because men will always degrade women, and women, in turn, can do the same to men, even though these moral aspects are not connected with the legalization process, mostly depending on moral qualities of the society members, and not on a position on prostitution. Thus, the essay will try to prove why prostitution should not be legal with the help of analysis of the articles of the well-known scientists. While feminist theory represents prostitution as aRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1236 Words   |  5 Pagesmajority of people believe prostitution should stay illegal, claiming that the legalization of prostitution will only make the chances of getting an STD even higher, an increase in rape rates, and will also add to the growth of human trafficking. Although this could be the case, there have been many studies that tell a different story. Currently, Nevada has allowed prostitution in 11 of its counties with much success. There can be many benefits from the legalization of prostitution in the states. LegalizingRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal? Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesProstitution has existed in history since before most people can remember. In our time, prostitution is hotly debated as to whether it should be a professional working job, or whether it is immoral and oppressive to women. This debate has existed since the dawn of time, and there is still no clear answer. Society demands that police should stop certain illicit activities from happening in their neighborhoods, but should law enforcement be made to waste their time and effort to arrest those thatRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1440 Words   |  6 PagesCanadian legal system stands prostitution. Prostitution by definition is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Prostitution in our legal system can be dated back to the 18th century, this was the first Canadian statute to acknowledge prostitution. Prostitution in this time was handled by three legal approaches, regulation, prohibition and lastly rehabilitation. It is believed that because of these three legal approaches that is why prostitution is stillRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1157 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Prostitution in Brothels Throughout America When someone says prostitution, the first couple things that probably come to mind are grimy girls that have ruined their lives with drugs sitting on a couch cracked out with a man they just met. Prostitutes are looked at as whores who cannot sustain a real career so they are forced to sell their bodies for sex. The prostitution industry is essentially just like any other service industry. The worker charges his or her customer for a serviceRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1057 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"A human body is a temple; we should love it and respect it.† How often have we come across those people who sell their bodies, so-called temples and have been termed as â€Å"prostitutes?† Prostitution can be defined as the profession of getting involved in sexual activity with someone and to get paid back in return. Sex and sex-related issues have always been the matter to be hidden, and the civilized people are considered to be not speaking about it at all. Des pite the fact, none can escape it ourRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1150 Words   |  5 Pagesgroup of friends. The question is: Should prostitution be legal? My question is: Why shouldn’t it? By all means I respect the opinion that having sex for money is completely illegal in most states but what about stripping? Stripping is completely legal and paid for lap dances aren’t the only advancement allowed. Strippers are allowed to receive payment to have sexual encounters within the establishment and it is completely legal. Protection for working women should exist across the board, not justRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1371 Words   |  6 PagesKayla Beaty College Success Professor Jernigan 02/04/2015 Prositution in the U.S For my paper I chose the topic â€Å"Prostitution In the U.S† I picked this topic because I feel as if there’s a lot to discuss about the subject itself. Prostitution in my eyes, should be illegal in all parts of America. I feel as if the crime itself is degrading not only to women, but the families of those involved that choose to commit these acts. My personal opinion, going more into detail is that I grew up viewingRead MoreProstitution Should Not Be Legal1753 Words   |  8 Pagesthe topic of prostitution, most of us will readily agree that it is wrong as it portrays a negative image on women. Where this agreement usually ends, however, it is whether or not it’s a negative outcome. Whereas some are convinced that prostitution should be legal, others maintain that it should stay illegal because of moral intuitions. I disagree that prostitution should be legalized because it’s a form of slavery. Here are many feminists would probably object that prostitution is an utterly

Contrasting Roles The Good and the Bad Free Essays

Contrasting Roles: The Good and the Bad In Fydor Dostoyesky’s, Notes from the Underground, the relationship between an underground man and a young prostitute, Liza, depicts admirable and harsh qualities. Truly, Liza illustrates a kind-hearted human being while the Underground Man exemplifies a harsh and isolated person. Liza’s function in this novel is to show the contrast between the two completing roles that characterize a classic literary illustration of what is good and bad. We will write a custom essay sample on Contrasting Roles: The Good and the Bad or any similar topic only for you Order Now The altercations that Liza and the Underground Man have significantly portray positive and unsuitable qualities. Upon meeting Liza, the Underground Man harshly ridicules Liza and her lifestyle. He says that she is â€Å"a slave from the start. Yes, a slave! You give up everything, your whole freedom. If you want to break your chains afterwards, you will not be able to† (Dostoyevsky p. 64). This quote undoubtedly exposes Underground Man’s awful perspective on Liza. He believes that Liza is property, rather than a human being. Also, the quote shows that he is stripping Liza of any hope for the future. He does so by telling Liza that if she ever wanted to stop prostituting, she would not be able to. Despite all of the awful accusations that he makes, Liza patiently listens although it is hurting her tremendously. Furthermore, this emphasizes the contrast in characters. It evident that Liza is truly good and that the Underground Man is relentless. However, this not the only altercation that sheds light on this notion. Moreover, there is also another conflicts that give a defined distinction between what is good and bad. The underground Man goes on to further insult Liza without a will to stop. He states, â€Å"I know that I have only to whistle and you have to come with me whether you like it or not. I don’t consult your wishes, but you mine† (p. 69). The underground Man is dehumanizing Liza by comparing her to a dog. He claims that Liza will come to him just as a dog follows a master’s command without question. As if that insult were not enough, he proceeds to tell Liza that she must grant his every desire but he does not care for her wishes. Undoubtedly, the quality of being able to hurt Liza in such a manner is horrible. Liza’s pain is illustrated when the novel states that â€Å"She bit the pillow, bit her hand till it bled (I saw that afterwards), or, thrusting her fingers into her disheveled hair, seemed rigid with the effort of restraint, holding her breath and clenching her teeth† (p. 72). This quote actively portrays how the Underground Man’s negative qualities truly affect her. It not only pained her emotionally to hear these things, but also physically. Despite her emotions, Liza put her feelings behind her and forgives him. After he apologizes, he states, â€Å"she squeezed my hand in her fingers so tightly that I felt I was saying the wrong thing and stopped†(p. 73). This excerpt truly shows Liza’s nobility. Although Liza is so hurt, she makes him feel like he should not have to apologize. She does this by squeezing his hand. However, this is not the only time where Liza puts the Underground Man before herself. Liza’s responses in situations with the Under Ground man portray her comforting qualities and expose his poor qualities. Previously, the audience noted that while Liza cries, the Underground Man did not comfort her. However, in later text, the tables turn. When the Under Ground Man began to cry, she did not waste time in asking what was wrong by asking, â€Å"What is the matter? What is wrong? † she cried, fussing about me† (p. 83). This quote depicts that Liza is a compassionate person. It also shows the difference between the Underground Man and her. It was her natural instinct to help him yet he did not help Liza in her time of need. This again shows that Liza is naturally good while the underground man is uncompassionate. The last encounter that the Underground Man has with Liza truly shows her positive characteristics. After some time, Liza believes that he no longer sees her as a prostitute, but as a companion. However, after having relations with the Underground Man, he wants her to leave and gives her money for the relations that they previously had. Although this hurts her beyond belief, she leaves the money. The underground man states â€Å"I saw a crumpled blue five- rouble note, the one I had thrust into her hand a minute before† (p. 89). This shows that Liza is admirable in dignity. Although she had been hurt, she still had her dignity and that was important for the Underground Man to see. Liza is placed in the novel to show that despite negative situations, a person can still posses an admirable personality. Truly, Liza continuously finds herself to be in horrible situations but she never fails in acting graciously. In a sense, Liza is an inspiration to all. She shows the audience that her profession pains her and that she regrets it. Not only can the audience learn from her mistakes, but also from her gracious personality as well. How to cite Contrasting Roles: The Good and the Bad, Essay examples

Schizophrenia2 Essay Example For Students

Schizophrenia2 Essay Schizophrenia is a mental disorder marked by the loss of contact with reality. Delusions, hallucinations, irregular thinking or emotions are the usual symptoms. About one hundred years ago schizophrenia was first recognized as a mental disorder and researchers have been searching for a cure since. The exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown and scientists are certain that schizophrenia has more than one cause. Scientists have developed dozens of theories to explain what causes this disease, but researchers are focusing on three leading theories. The Genetic Theory argues that schizophrenia is caused by traits in a persons genetic makeup. As we all know, a person has twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. Each pair contains one chromosome from each parent. In corresponding locations of each chromosome the genes for specific traits are located. If there are mutations or if there is the presence of an extra chromosome, genetic disorders occur. For example, Down Syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome. It is believed that problems with the genetic make up can cause schizophrenia (Encarta 96). In an attempt to prove this theory scientists study identical twins. Due to the fact that identical twins have the exact genetic make up researchers will be able to determine if heredity is the main cause of schizophrenia. However, evidence seems to disprove this theory. This is because on some occasions both identical twins are schizophrenics and other times only one is inflicted. To defend the theory, it should be noted that this research is difficult and complicated. Identical twins are relatively rare, especially twins who are both diagnosed with schizophrenia. Further defending the theory, studies have shown that children with one parent diagnosed with schizophrenia have a ten percent chance of suffering from schizophrenia. When both parents are schizophrenic their risk raises to about fifty percent (468 Myers). The Biochemical theory is built mainly on stress that effects human behavior. However, most researchers agree that stress alone cannot be the main cause of schizophrenia. Most researchers agree that stress can trigger or worsen the symptoms when the illness is already present. Other researchers focus on drug abuse. Like stress, certain drugs such as amphetamines can make psychotic symptoms worse if a person already has schizophrenia. Also, amphetamines and other drugs cause an increase in dopamine. Brains of schizophrenics were found to contain an excess of receptors for dopamine (468 Myers). In one particular experiment, researchers injected animals with amphetamines, which causes an increase of dopamine in the brain. Following the injection, the animals exhibit the same behavior as humans who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, such as standing still for long periods of time or continuously pacing. Nerve cells have an effect on schizophrenics as well. When something acts upon one of our senses, electrical impulses are sent to the brain. These impulses allow us to feel pain, smell, and also manage our thought processes. In our body we have a complex nerve system. For example, there is no one single nerve that travels from our feet to our brain. Therefore, in order for information to be sent to the brain the nerves must interact with each other. Because the system is so complex it is possible for the signal to get mixed up. When this happens, our brain may misinterpret the signal or may not receive it at all. If the signal does get mixed up on the way to the brain the make up of the impulse can undergo a chemical change resulting in abnormal thought processes and abnormal behavior (Smith). The Bio-Psycho-Social Theory combines all of the previous theories. Some researchers believe that biochemical abnormalities are a contributing factor but that other events must also occur. They suggest that environmental and social problems have to be considered along with biological problems. .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .postImageUrl , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:hover , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:visited , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:active { border:0!important; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:active , .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16 .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubbebcbe1ea8e9ebe8c929b7efdcbaf16:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nelson Mandela Essay Social scientists believe that no chemical factors are involved, instead they believe mental disorders are described as a consequence of human motivations, drives, and unconscious forces (Smith). These scientists suggest that people become overloaded with stress, information, and stimulation. When this happens they lose their ability to cope with the anxiety which accompanies stress. Instead of dealing with their problems they seek peace in their own world. For example,

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mrs. Dalloway Paper free essay sample

Dalloway, especially on the idea of modernism which can be defined as new thought, art, and culture. Specifically Woolf focuses on how the new technologies brought about because of modernism and the industrial revolution differ from the natural environment and all pure things found in it. In the book Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf argues that the natural world is more important than modernism and new technologies. Throughout the book, Woolf shows how distracting technology can be through the interactions her characters have with many different forms of it. In her article â€Å"Modern Transportation and Vitalism in Mrs. Dalloway†, Cheryl Volzer argues that the modern world the characters from the book live in is disruptive and only nature brings peace back to them. She also argues that the modern technologies experienced by the characters cause them to lose emotions and feelings. Volzer points out that very often it is a car, clock chime, or other piece of machinery that â€Å"not only hinders Clarissa’s path, but also discontinues her sensory driven memories of love. The novel suggests that modernity†¦ attempts and succeeds in terminating thoughts rooted in emotion and feeling† (2). While I agree all of the modern objects are very distracting for the characters in the novel, and that it is only when they are in some way connected with nature that they are more at peace; however, I disagree with her thought that the modern technology destroys all emotion, because of the scene in which many people on the street outside of the flower shop view â€Å"a face of the very greatest importance against the dove grey upholstery, before a male hand drew the blind and there was nothing to be seen† (14). This face which so many people believe to be of a famous and important person, causes the citizens who see it to feel pride for England and its achievements, and to generally feel nationalistic. Another example in the novel where a modern object causes multiple characters to become emotional is when Big Ben chimes, here Clarissa is thinking about the effects of the ringing bells, â€Å"a particular hush, or solemnity; an indescribably pause; a suspense† (4). This shows that another piece of machinery was capable of evoking emotion from the characters in the book. Woolf also shows how much more significant nature is in the world of Mrs. Dalloway through all of the metaphors she uses comparing people to animals and how her characters often think about nature. In the journal entry, â€Å"Scissors and Silks,† â€Å"Flowers and Trees,† and â€Å"Geraniums Ruined by the War†: Virginia Woolf’s Ecological Critique of Science in Mrs. Dalloway written by Justyna Kostkowska, Kostkowska argues that, â€Å"By referring to human experience in natural terms, [Woolf] reinforces the inseparability of nature and culture, and shows their mutuality† (187). This argument becomes more apparent throughout the book when Woolf compares almost every character to something in nature as Kostkowska touches on later in her article, â€Å"An overwhelming majority of characters are repeatedly described in floral or animal terms: Clarissa is â€Å"perched† bird-like, â€Å"a touch of the bird about her, of the jay, blue-green, vivacious† (4); Elizabeth is â€Å"like a poplar, [. . . ] like a river, [. . . like a hyacinth† (188); Septimus is â€Å"beak-nosed† (14); Peter is â€Å"hawklike† (164); Septimus sees Rezia as a â€Å"flowering tree† (148), and as a â€Å"little hen† (149); Sally is â€Å"all light, glowing, like some bird or air ball that has flown in† (35). Even Dr. Bradshaw is portrayed as a bird of prey as he â€Å"swoops† and â€Å"devours† (188). I completely agree with Kostkowska’s argument that Woolf compares human life to nature to prove how inseparable t hey are. But something Kostkowska didn’t talk about that I believe proves nature and the characters in Mrs. Dalloway are always connected is; many of the characters think in terms of nature. One good example is Rezia, who, while at the park with Septimus, thinks she is â€Å"like a bird sheltering under the thin hollow of a leaf, who blinks at the sun when the leaf moves; starts at the crack of a dry twig† (65). This passage where Rezia thinks of herself as a bird struggling to survive in the wild mirrors how she feels about Septimus; uncertain of his mental state of mind, scared about how their relationship is going to work out, and frustrated with how he acts. Thinking of herself as a bird shows readers that nature is a large and important part of Rezia’s life especially during this time of need. Another place in the book where a character uses nature to make comparisons is when Peter starts thinking about human souls and how a soul, â€Å"fish-like inhabits deep seas and plies among obscurities threading her way between the boles of giant weeds, over sun-flickered spaces and on and on into gloom, cold, deep, inscrutable; suddenly she shoots to the surface and sports on the wind wrinkled waves; that is, has a positive need to brush, scrape, kindle herself, gossiping† (161). This thought shows how even the very essence of human beings is linked to nature. The only reason Woolf would have added so many ideas about how nature is connected to humans in every way, would be to show how much more important nature is to her than the modern society that she lived in. Nature was more important than modernism and new technology to Woolf, possibly because she could see how negatively the industrial revolution had affected the environment, and because people were becoming less and less in touch with their natural surroundings as they were swept up in the rush of city life. When Woolf wrote Mrs. Dalloway not many people understood this theme of nature she included in her paper. Now that humans are working to fix the damage to the environment that was started during the Industrial Revolution, people are beginning to appreciate more Woolf’s message that nature and all of its constant splendors are much more vital for humans than the relentless flow of new technologies. Works Cited Cheryl. Modern Transportation and Vitalism in Mrs. Dalloway. San Juan Unified School District. N. p. , 16 Nov. 2009. Web. 6 May 2013. http://www. sanjuan. du/webpages/rvolzer/files/moderntransportation. pdf. Kostkowska, Justyna. â€Å"Scissors and Silks,† â€Å"Flowers and Trees,† and â€Å"Geraniums Ruined by the War†: Virginia Woolf’s Ecological Critique of Science in Mrs. Dalloway. † â€Å"Women’s Studies  33. 2 (2004): 183-98. Academic Search Elite. Taylor amp; Francis LTD. , May 2004. Web. 9 May 2013. lt;http://web. ebscoh ost. com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? sid=419e5d71-988a-4bd2-b44b-1820b3b3997d%40sessionmgr112amp;vid=3amp;hid=118gt;. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. 1925. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1981. Print.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

IELTS Essay Types and Samples - Learn English Quickly

IELTS Essay Types and Samples - Learn English QuicklyYou should have no problem finding the IELTS essay types and samples that will help you learn English quickly. If you are able to learn this language, then it is obvious that you are in a great position to make it in the world of business.It would seem, then, that an excellent grasp of English would be advantageous, but you will find that actually not having any English could be an obstacle when trying to do business. It may also come as a surprise to find out that it is sometimes difficult to find an IELTS essay types and samples, even for someone who is an expert in this subject. How can this be?Firstly, it is worth noting that English as a language is not just spoken English. It has a great deal more to it than that. Most people would assume that it would be easier to write essays in English than if it were written in any other language, but actually, you will be surprised at how difficult it can be. As it is, you will find that there are many different types of English essays that you can choose from.It would be good to have a basic idea of some of the types of essays, but for this you will need to make use of IELTS essay types and samples. This will enable you to understand what the language is about and you will also be able to make comparisons to help you decide which type of essay to do.There are actually a number of different types of essays that can be written in English, and it is useful to understand what each one of them is all about. This will help you identify the most suitable type for you.Of course, this will not help you to learn English if you are unable to practice with any English. So, get yourself a tutor to help you practice. Of course, you will need to pay for the tuition, but if you are able to do so, then it will certainly be well worth the money.So, try to make the most of your English essay by searching online for IELTS essay types and samples. You will soon find that it is an enjo yable process and you will soon become an expert in English in no time at all.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Non-Verbal Communication in Counselling free essay sample

Nonverbal communication is body language and plays a major role in relationship development because it is also the main channel we use to communicate our feelings and attitudes towards others. But because much of our nonverbal communication behavior is unconscious, most of us have limited awareness or understanding of it. The importance of nonverbals in communication cannot be overemphasized; they are crucial to getting the full message. Some writers have suggested that as much as 80% of communication takes place on the nonverbal level. top General Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication: 1. Nonverbal Communication Uses Many Channels for Sending and Receiving – Messages may be sent in many ways, as the list below shows. This list is to help you become more aware of the variety of and complexity of nonverbal communication. With greater awareness you will develop greater understanding of the ways in which others interpret the nonverbal signals you send. Also, by improving your skills in reading the nonverbal responses other persons make to your communication, you will learn how you yourself are perceived. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Verbal Communication in Counselling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I. Nonverbal communication behaviours using TIME:  · Recognition  · Priorities II. Nonverbal communication behaviours using the BODY:  · Eye Contact – There seems to be more eye contact in interpersonal interactions between Arabs, South Americans, and Greeks than between people from other cultures. There is evidence that some African Americans looks at others less than whites do when sending and receiving messages.  · Eyes  · Skin  · Posture  · Facial expression – the face is the exhibit gallery of our emotional displays. And although we often try to manipulate our facial cues to project a premeditated feeling, our faces may still betray our true emotions to others. Your face is versatile. According to one research team, it is capable o f producing over 250,000 different expressions. Research has found that facial expressions conveying happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, and sadness were the same in 68 to 92 percent of the cultures examines. 1. Surprise: Wide-open eyes, raised and wrinkled brow, open mouth. 2. Fear: Open mouth, tense skin under the eyes, wrinkles in the centre of the forehead. 3. Disgust: Raised or curled upper lip, wrinkled nose, raised cheeks, lowered brow, lowered upper eyelid. 4. Anger: tensed lower eyelid; either pursed lips or open mouth; lowered and wrinkled brow; staring eyes. 5. Happiness: Smiling; mouth may be open or closed; raised cheeks; wrinkles around lower eyelids. 6. Sadness: Lip may tremble; corners of the lips turn downward; corners of the upper eyelid may be raised. All humans probably share the same neurophysiological basis for expressing emotions, but we learn different rules for sending and interpreting the expression. For example, the Japanese culture does not reinforce the show of negative emotions; it is important for Japanese to â€Å"save face† and to help others save face as well. Hand and arm gestures: Hand and body gestures with the most shared meaning among Africans, North Americans, and South Americans include pointing, shrugging, head nodding, clapping, thumbs down, waving hello, and beckoning. There are, however, regional variations within cultures; it is not wise to assume that all people in a given culture share the sam e meaning for certain gestures. The OK gesture has sexual connotations for some South American and Caribbean countries. In France the OK sign means worthless.  · Self-inflicted behaviours  · Repetitive behaviours  · Signals or commands  · Touching  · Sexual

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Advanced technologies Essays

Advanced technologies Essays Advanced technologies Essay Advanced technologies Essay It was already mentioned that acquisition program made Wimm Bill Dann a vertically integrated company, which controlled the full production cycle. Thus, it made the company virtually invulnerable to any kind of changes on the market. With all power in hand and pioneering technologies, Wimm Bill Dann became a strong and powerful market player. Yet, all the changes that Wimm Bill Dann undertook made the sector attractive to competitors. That’s exactly why campina, Ehrman, Danone and Parmalat appeared. However, it’s necessary to say that with all the acquisition that Wimm Bill Dann made, for those companies-competitors it had become a required condition as well to ensure reliable supply in order to stay flexible and react quickly to any market changes. In the past, the sector had been fractured – some plants produced milk, other entrepreneurs distribute it, the third ones sold etc. WBD changed the structure of the industry making the necessary condition to have reliable supply. Thus, it is possible to say that WBD’s acquisition program made it more difficult for potential newcomers to enter the market. The entrance barriers became high, though the sector had become very attractive. The contemporary trends in marketing environment demand complete flexibility of the companies, i. e. an ability to react quickly to different market changes. This condition is especially relevant to Russia, where political and economic environment are very hard to predict. When Wimm Bill Dann entered the market, the personal income of the customers was very low. It was necessary for WBD to make its products cheaper so that Russian consumers could buy. Nowadays, the personal income of people had substantially increased, as did the demands. The consumption partners are different as well. At the moment, people prefer to pay more but to buy quality products. The quality can be ensured only by strong brand. Thus, brand loyalty had become the necessary condition of success. Companies spend millions of dollars to make their brands recognizable, to ensure brand’s awareness and therefore to ensure stable market position for their customers. It is not a secret, that it is cheaper to retain the existing customer than to get a new one. Yet, it is also important to say that strong brand can be built only when company focuses as much effort as possible on this given product. Therefore, specialization nowadays is becoming more and more important in order to achieve market success. Considering this factor, Wimm Bill Dann’s strategy of diversification doesn’t appear to remain sustainable. Wimm Bill Dann nowadays is associated to the larger extent with diary products, in lesser extent with juice, but not with mineral water, beer in may be something else in future. Thus, it is reasonable that the company focuses all its efforts in pursuing brand loyalty in its diary segment. According to Boston Consulting Group matrix, portfolio of every company might be composed of four main category of products: Stars – have big market share, which quickly rises; Cows – have big market share, which remain stable; Questions – their market share is small, but it also quickly rises. With adequate financial support, questions can either turn into cows or stars; Dogs – their market share is small and it doesn’t enlarge. Companies have to get rid of dogs in order to save money and invest it in other perspective products. Thus, diary product is cows for Wimm Bill Dann, as they generate the largest profit for the company and have the best potential for growth. Juices can be considered stars. They need adequate promotional campaign in order to compete with foreign producers. In such a way, it is important to notice that Wimm Bill Dann’s strategy of diversification had done well for the company in the past contributing to fast growth and adequate response to changing market conditions. Yet, nowadays with growing competition and the wide variety of different products, it is very easy for the customer to get lost. That is why strong brand building is recommended to serve as a guide for the customer and to differentiate the products of the given company from the products of the rest of the companies. With this regard brand extension doesn’t seem to be a relevant approach, since people tend to associate the company with certain type of a product. Thus, if the customers think that Wimm Bill Dann does diaries the best, they wouldn’t think so with regard to beer or any other product. That is why, brand extension can even create a threat for the company’s core competence products – diaries and juices. In such a way, specialization rather than diversification strategy seems more relevant and more useful. 2. What made Wimm Bill Dann a potentially attractive takeover target? Wimm Bill Dann is a pioneer company on the post soviet Russian market. It is the first company to use advanced technologies of packaging and product preservation, thus making the products look better and serve longer. It is also the first Russian company to use active marketing campaigns in order to create strong demand for its products and form strong customer loyalty. Moreover, Wimm Bill Dann is a vertically integrated company that doesn’t depend on suppliers. This provides additional competitive advantage and ensures company’s success. Thus, the most relevant competitive advantage of the company are: wide distribution network, which ensures availability of WBD’s products; Advanced technologies; full production cycle; strong brands. All thses factors make the company, as it was already mentioned, virtually invulnerable to any kind of market changes. The company is able to adapt quickly to any external changes, which makes Wimm Bill Dann very attractive as a potential takeover target. Moreover, Wimm Bill Dann extended its operations to foreign markets as well, thus it has excellent opportunities for growth. Being number one national producer in Russia, Wimm Bill Dann set high entrance barriers for newcomers and is able now to dictate own conditions on the market. Yet, what makes the company especially attractive target is its powerful brand equity. Wimm Bill Dann’s brand is what adds the most value to the company. WBD is one of the most expensive brands in Russia, which has great potential of becoming one of the most expensive brand in Europe and Asia. References 1. Brown S. (2000) â€Å"Imagining Marketing: Art, aesthetics and the avant-garde† Routledge, London 2. Debrah Y. (2002) â€Å"Globalization, Employment and the Workplace† Routledge, London 3. Cassing J. (1998) â€Å"Capital, Technology and Labor in the New Global Economy† American Enterprise Institute, Washington DC